

To provide holistic support to contemporary students who are re-engaging in their educational journeys at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. We do this through intentional and individualized interactions which center the lived experiences and intersecting identity of students.


  • Providing general onboarding such as transfer student orientation
  • Referring students to appropriate advisors and departments
  • Reviewing degree plans and answering transfer credit questions
  • Helping students get connected on campus
  • Offering information regarding campus resources

Meet the Transfer Peer Mentor Team!



你好,我叫奥斯汀! 我是一个 junior majoring in the Art History, 理论, and Criticism program as an aspiring art historian. Reach out if you need any help!



你好! My name is Gerardo, and I am currently pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering of Technology. I transferred in from FRCC after obtaining my Associate of Science. If you have any questions about the transfer process please reach out!

Madi施密特 2


Hi t在这里, my name is Madi and 我是一个 recent graduate! I have my bachelor’s in Event & 会议管理. When I am not helping our transfer students, 我喜欢艺术创作, 肚皮舞, and spending time with my 3-year-old cat, 赛丝. Please reach out if you need any assistance!



我是一篇演讲, Language and Hearing Sciences major that transferred from the 社区 College of Aurora. I use she/her pronouns and some of my interests include hiking, 画, beading jewelry and playing videogames. Reach out if you need assistance with anything!


Transfer Student Frequently Asked 问题


As an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 student you have access to a surplus of resources that will assist you in achieving your academic goals! 看看吧 在这里.


Transfer courses that need faculty review are most often sent directly to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 faculty to review during the initial transfer credit evaluation process when you sent in your transcript. If you believe t在这里 is a transfer course missing from your record or a course that needs faculty review, please contact your academic advisor. They will check the status of any pending courses in the review pipeline and help submit a course for review on your behalf if appropriate. You may be asked to provide information about the transfer course including syllabus or other course-related materials.

Previous Bachelor’s Degree Courses

Students with a prior bachelor’s degree may use some courses from the previous degree toward program requirements at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. In many cases courses from a previous degree that fulfill degree requirements are identified during the initial transfer evaluation process. If t在这里 are still courses from your previous degree that fulfill degree requirements at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 please contact your academic advisor for assistance in getting those courses approved.


Considering 密歇根州立大学丹佛 as a Transfer student and don’t know w在这里 to start? Or maybe just looking for some guidance as you make your way through the process? Check out this useful checklist for our transfer students.

